Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Part II, The Beginning of Christ's Public Life

IT WAS probably in the beginning of the year 28 that Jesus left Nazareth and began His preparation for His ministry among the Jewish people. He journeyed to the place on the lower Jordan where John was preaching and baptizing and there presented Himself for baptism. He then withdrew to the desert west of the Jordan, where, after forty days of fasting, He was tempted by the devil. After this retreat Jesus returned to the Jordan and was pointed out by John as the Messiah. Five of the Baptist's disciples—all of them Galileans—were attracted to Jesus and He now traveled north with them to Galilee. The third day of their journey brought them to Cana in Galilee, and here, at a wedding feast, He performed His first miracle, taking this eventful step at the request of Mary, who was one of the guests.
From Cana Jesus went with Mary and His new followers to Capharnaum, on the west coast of the Sea of Galilee. He tarried there with them for a few days, then went down to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. In Jerusalem He formally opened His public life by driving from the temple the vendors and money-changers. The Pharisees were outraged, but one of them was impressed by Christ's action and came to Him one night for instruction. After this interview Jesus left Jerusalem and spent some time preaching with His disciples in the countryside. On learning that John the Baptist had been imprisoned, He and His followers returned to Galilee. On the way north, Jesus converted a Samaritan woman and many of her fellow townsmen.