Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Part VI


In December of the year 29, Jesus returned to Jeru­salem for the Feast of the Dedication, which com­memorated the reconsecration of the temple by Judas Machabeus. His preaching brought accusations of blas­phemy from the leaders of the Jews; when they attempted to seize Him, He escaped to Perea, the territory across the Jordan. He preached for several months in the Perean towns, traveling north as far as the Decapolis, where He crossed the Jordan again and journeyed south through Samaria. The healing of the ten lepers is assigned to this period, as well as some of the most familiar parables, such as the Prodigal Son, the Unjust Steward, the Pharisee and the Publican, and the Laborers in the Vineyard. Early in March He was again in Perea, where He received a mes­sage from Bethany asking Him to cure Lazarus, who was at the point of death. Lazarus was already dead when Christ reached Bethany, but He proceeded to the tomb and brought him back to life, a miracle which brought popular belief in His Messiahship to its highest pitch and resulted in the decision of the Jewish leaders to destroy Him. After a two-week retreat in Ephrem, in the Judean desert, He went up to Jerusalem for the Passover, travel­ing via Jericho, where He healed two blind men and related the Parable of the Gold Pieces, and Bethany, where His anointing by the sister of Lazarus took place.